This is more than just this title, there is much more to say about this scam that I denounce: Christianity was created by the Romans, only a mind friendly to celibacy, typical of Greek and Roman leaders, enemies of the Jews of ancient times, could conceive a message like the one that says: » These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They followed the Lamb wherever he went. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb» in Revelation 14:4, or a message like this one which is similar: «For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven,» in Matthew 22:30, both messages sound like they came from a Roman Catholic priest, and not from a prophet of God who seeks this blessing for himself: He who finds a wife finds good, and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22), Leviticus 21:14 Widow, or divorced, or vile woman, or harlot , these he will not take, but will take as his wife a virgin of his own people.



Páginas de videos: Los santos han de juzgar el mundo, Recibieron facultad para juzgar por haber sido fieles a Dios hasta la muerte en su vida anterior. ¿Quiénes vencieron a Satanás según Apocalipsis 12:11? Parece contradictorio, pero no son los cristianos, el cristianismo fue creado por los romanos, solo una mente amigable con el celibato, típico de líderes griegos y romanos, enemigos de los judíos de la antiguedad, podría concebir un mensaje como aquel que dice: «Porque en la resurrección, ni se casan ni son dados en matrimonio, sino que son como los ángeles de Dios en el cielo», ese mensaje en Mateo 22:30 parece salido de un sacerdote romano católico, y no de un profeta de Dios que busca esta bendición para sí mismo: El que halla esposa halla el bien, y alcanza el favor de Jehová (Proverbios 18:22), Levítico 21:14 Viuda, o repudiada, o mujer infame o ramera, estas no tomará, sino que tomará por esposa a una virgen de su propio pueblo.

Felices aquellos a quienes estas palabras no les resultan ofensivas. El que no se siente ofendido por este mensaje, ese es justo, felicidades para él: El cristianismo fue creado por los romanos, sólo una mente amiga del celibato, propia de los líderes griegos y romanos, enemigos de los judíos de la antigüedad, Podría concebir un mensaje como el que dice: » Estos son los que no se contaminaron con mujeres, porque permanecieron vírgenes. Siguieron al Cordero dondequiera que fuera. Fueron comprados de entre los hombres y ofrecidos como primicias a Dios y al Cordero» en Apocalipsis 14,4, o un mensaje como este que es similar: «Porque en la resurrección ni se casarán ni se darán en casamiento, sino que serán como los ángeles de Dios en el cielo», en Mateo 22:30, ambos mensajes suenan como si vinieran de un sacerdote católico romano, y no de un profeta de Dios que busca esta bendición para sí mismo: El que encuentra esposa, halla el bien, y obtiene favor del Señor (Proverbios 18:22), Levítico 21:14 Viuda, o divorciada, o mujer vil, o ramera, no las tomará, sino que tomará por mujer a una virgen de su propio pueblo.


I do not presume to know the whole truth about the true religion, but at least I know what is not true about the most well-known religions.

The gospel different from the Bible the message different from the Quran and false Judaism.

Exodus 20:3 «You shall have no other gods before me.
They prayed to the gods, so when they pray to creatures, they have other gods.
Exodus 20:4-5 «You shall not bow down before the image of anything that exists in heaven (birds, the moon, the sun, etc.), on earth (men, serpents, golden calves, pyrite (the pyrite is a mineral that has the shape of a cube), etc., or in water (fish, etc.).
Leviticus 26:1 You shall not make idols or graven images, nor set up any statues, nor place painted stones in land to worship them; for I am Jehovah your God.
When a person kneels in front of an image to pray or pay respect to it, then that person worships that image, the image becomes his idol. That is why God approved that king Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent that God commanded Moses to make, since when God commanded specific images to be made for specific uses, God never commanded those images to receive worship.
2 Kings 4 He removed the high places, and broke the images, and cut down the Asherah symbols, and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, because until then the children of Israel burned incense to it; and he called it a «brazen thing.»
Let us remember that first the Bible existed, and then the Koran, but before both books existed, Isaiah, a prophet of Judaism, wrote many prophecies.
The Bible and the Koran share a common lie that shows their Roman origin. The Bible says that the angel Gabriel announced that Jesus would be born of a virgin woman to fulfill a prophecy of Isaiah, and the Koran also says that the angel Gabriel announced the virgin birth of Jesus. But
that is not true, because Isaiah prophesied the birth of a loyal king who broke the bronze serpent that Moses made because that creature was being idolized. Furthermore, Isaiah never said that the woman would remain a virgin even after becoming pregnant to give birth to King
Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, God was with Hezekiah, and along with his loyal servants, that is why Hezekiah was Immanuel (Read Isaiah 7 and connect with 2 Kings 18).
a) Christianity: They worship statues or pray to names of one or more creatures.
b) Islam: They worship a cube.
c) Both religions defend a lie: The virgin birth of Jesus.

Altering the texts of the prophecies does not change Jehovah’s decision, it only confirms the justness of his decision:
Psalms 2: 2 The kings of the earth will arise, and princes will take counsel together against Jehovah and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break his bands, and let us cast away his cords. 4 He who dwells in heaven will laugh; The Lord will mock them.

Zeus says (through those who worship him): «I am not only the anointed of Jehovah, I am also Jehovah, let all the gods worship me and do not condemn my followers who pray to me and eat pork.»
Daniel 11: 26, Daniel 8: 25 (Matthew 15: 11, 1 Timothy 4: 1-6, Hebrews 1: 6 versus 2 Maccabees 6:2, 2 Maccabees 7: 14, Deuteronomy 14, Isaiah 66: 17, Psalms 97 : 7).

«Don’t be naive, little living prey, changing your place in the pot will not prevent you from being cooked and later used as food.»

Jehovah’s enemies have acted in emulation of ancient challenges to Jehovah:

Exodus 32:40 He took them from their hands and shaped them with a graver, and made them into a molten calf. And they said, «This is your god, Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.»
Now his enemies say of the sculpture of Zeus:

«This is Jehovah, pray to his image or to him, we are his priests or shepherds!»


The alteration of the texts of the prophecies, the rebellion against the righteous law of an eye for an eye, and against the time of the last judgment, was a vain attempt that was prophesied: Daniel 7:25 And he will speak words against the Most High, and against the saints of the Most High will break, and will think of changing the times and the law; and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time.

Many have already come pretending to be Christ, saying: «Christ lives in me, accept him as your only Lord and Savior (That is, saying: Accept me as your savior and lord)», but the true Christ only accepts Jehovah, and not himself, as the only Lord and savior and does not ask anyone to accept him or any other creature as «only Lord and Savior.»

The real Jesus when he was on the cross said in prayer to Jehovah:

Psalms 22:7 All who see me mock me; They open their mouths, shake their heads, saying:

8 “He entrusted himself to Jehovah; let him free him; May Jehovah save him, since Jehovah was pleased with him.
However, the false version of the Romans slanders Jesus, showing him and not Jehovah as the only God and savior who should be worshiped (to whom only one should pray).

Matthew 27:42 He saved others; He cannot save himself. If He is the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him.

The Romans have adulterated the true gospel, the Bible contradicts the Bible because the Romans have deceived humanity by creating false testimonies for the Bible.

Here is other evidence of Roman idolatrous rebellion:

Hebrews 1:6 And again, when he introduces the Firstborn into the world, he says: Let all the angels of God worship him.

However, worship is only for the only God who is not a created being, that is, for Jehovah, Hebrews 1:6 contradicts that, but the usurpers of the saints, the religious people of the Roman empire came with the stupidity of saying: «He was God made man», but it is false, and here I will demonstrate it, because the lie has short legs and leaves traces:

Psalms 97:5 The mountains melted like wax before Jehovah, before the Lord of all the earth.

6 The heavens declared his righteousness, and all the people saw his glory. 7 Let all those who serve graven images be ashamed, Those who glory in idols. All the gods prostrate themselves to him.

Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to images or statues to honor them; For I am the Lord your God, strong and jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.

Psalms 97:7 It refers to Jehovah, some translations say: Let all the gods worship him, in any case «kneel before Jehovah» or «Prostrate before Jehovah», means obeying the commandment not to kneel before creatures to worship them (pray to them) .

The prophecy is forceful, Jehovah is the only god that should be worshiped, those who do not want to do it should not tell us that they do it, they should not deceive us, but that is what the false prophets have done:

Hosea 13:4 But I am Jehovah your God from the land of Egypt; You will therefore know no other god besides me, nor any other savior but me.

Regarding the fact that Jesus was never Jehovah, Yahweh, or the God who created the universe coming as a man and therefore demanding worship for himself, as the Roman persecutors and usurpers have slandered him, we can note that here:

John 10:34-36 Jesus answered them, «And is it not written in your law, ‘I said, ‘You are gods’?» If those to whom the word of God came were called gods (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say, “You blaspheme” him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, just because I said, “I am the Son of God?” ?

Let’s go to the prophecy and you will observe that on one hand there is Jehovah, and on the other hand there are the children of Jehovah to whom He told that they would come to earth to die as mortals, it is not the same to be a god, son of Jehovah, a created god, than to be Jehovah, the God of gods.

Psalms 82:2 How long will you judge unjustly, And accept the persons of the wicked? Selah

3 Defend the weak and the orphan; Do justice to the afflicted and the needy. 4 Deliver the afflicted and the needy; Deliver him from the hand of the wicked. 5 They do not know, they do not understand, They walk in darkness; All the foundations of the earth tremble.

6 I said: You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High; 7 But you will die like men, And like any of the princes you will fall.

If these contradictions were not enough evidence of the great deception of the Romans, I will show you one more:

According to John 13, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot so that a prophecy could be fulfilled, that prophecy says:

«He who ate my bread lifted up his heel against me,» but if we go to that prophecy, it tells us that the betrayed man sinned against God, but that contradicts what the Bible says in 1 Peter 2, that Jesus never sinned.

John 13:18 I speak not of you all: I know them whom I have chosen: but that the Scripture may be fulfilled: He that eateth bread with me, he lifted up his heel against me.

1 Peter 2:22 Christ never sinned, and he never deceived anyone.
Look how the prophecy of betrayal contradicts these Roman slanders, in Psalms 41 the betrayed man complains about his many enemies, there are many traitors in his immediate environment, it is not only one, there are several traitors, eating from the same plate implies that some traitors are family members, the prophecy also shows that the betrayed person wants to take revenge on them, and that has nothing to do with love for enemies because that doctrine was never actually preached by Jesus:
Psalms 41:4 I said, Jehovah, have mercy on me; Heal my soul, because I have sinned against you.

5 My enemies say evil of me, asking, When will he die, and his name perish? 9 Even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread,

He lifted up his heel against me. 10 But thou, Jehovah, be gracious unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them.

This prophecy in Psalms 41 is fulfilled when he is reincarnated, and he rises against his enemies, just as the angel Michael rises, at the time of the end.

This fact that Jesus reincarnates at the time of the end of the unjust world happens because Jesus was never resurrected, and because he will not return with that same resurrected body because he was not resurrected, his second coming is through reincarnation, he is born without knowing the truth and that is why he sins, as stated in Psalms 41, when Psalms 41 is fulfilled, prophecies in Psalms 118 are also fulfilled, but there comes a moment in which he discovers the truth, although little by little, he realizes that he has sinned and does penance for «time, times and half a time» (Psalms 139:17-20, Psalms 119:97-104), the Bible does not explicitly say that Jesus will reincarnate and that he will do penance, it is not in the Bible, but it is deduced from connecting some texts from the Judaism of Jesus that the Romans stole to put them in the Bible and contradict them, in addition the Bible says that Jesus did rise from the dead, but that is as false as the falsehoods that I have demonstrated above.

Many have already come pretending to be Christ, saying: «Christ lives in me, accept him as your only Lord and Savior (That is, saying: Accept me as your savior and lord)», but the true Christ only accepts Jehovah, and not him. himself, as the only Lord and savior and does not ask anyone to accept him or any other creature as «only Lord and Savior.»

In one of the videos of the Venezuelan Catholic priest Luis Toro, he affirms that Jesus is God, one of the pillars of his claim is this fraudulent passage from the Bible:

The priest Luis Toro in this video says, at minute 1:33: «The resurrected Jesus Christ is also God«.
Luis Toro is based on this Roman lie:

John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas:

—Put your finger here and look at my hands. Bring your hand closer and put it in my side. And do not be an unbeliever, but a man of faith.

28 —My Lord and my God! —Tomás exclaimed.

29 “Because you have seen me, you have believed,” Jesus said to him, “; Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.

It is a foolish thing to believe without having seen the contradictions in the Bible, based on John 20:27-29 but not on the truth, Luis Toro affirmed that when Thomas said to Jesus: «My Lord and my God», Jesus did not rebuke to Thomas saying: «What’s wrong with you? I’m not God, don’t do that!» And that is why Jesus is God.

Psalms 82:1 God is in the gathering of the gods; In the midst of the gods he judges.

If it were true that Jesus was resurrected, he presented himself to his disciples, showing the nail wounds in his hands and feet, and that he subsequently rose to heaven in their sight, and that those witnesses were told that he was going to return in the same way from heaven, that is, flying like a bird in the atmospheric sky that contains the clouds, according to the lies in Acts 1. Then, how could the prophecies in Psalms 118, which Jesus referred to in the parable of the wicked tenants? Let’s see:

Matthew 21:37 Finally he sent his son to them, saying: They will respect my son. 38 But the husbandmen, when they saw the son, said among themselves, This is the heir; Come, let us kill him, and let us take possession of his inheritance. 39 And they took him, cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. 40 So when the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? 41 They said to him, «He will destroy the wicked without mercy, and will rent out his vineyard to other tenants, who will pay him the fruit at his own time.»

42 Jesus said to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures:

The stone that the builders rejected,

He has become head of the angle.

The Lord has done this,

And it is a wonderful thing in our eyes?

Now let’s go to the prophecy alluded to in that parable:
In the prophecy you will see that God punishes his son, God punishes for two reasons, either he punishes to rebuke those he loves, or God punishes to destroy his enemies, in this case the prophecy mentions that he punishes him but that God does not hand him over to death, God does not kill him, so if God does not kill him, that punishment is corrective, God rebukes him because God loves him, God loves him because he knows that he is just and that his sins are due to his ignorance, that he is unaware of the true scriptures, for example he could eat shellfish and pork while being ignorant of the truth, but God punishes him to rebuke him because he has sinned, because if he had not sinned there would be no reason for God to punish him, and that coincides, as I said before, with the prophecy in Psalms 41, those who can see and believe, and happy are those who believe because they have seen (he who has eyes to see, let him see it). You will notice in passing that the true Israel is made up of the righteous:

Psalms 118:1 Praise Jehovah, for he is good;

For his mercy endures forever.

2 Now let Israel say,

That his mercy endures forever.

3 Now let the house of Aaron say,

That his mercy endures forever.

4 Let those who fear Jehovah now say,

That his mercy endures forever.

5 Out of anguish I called upon Jehovah,

And Jehovah answered me, putting me in a spacious place.

6 Jehovah is with me; I will not fear

What a man can do to me.

7 Jehovah is with me among those who help me;

Therefore I will see my desire in those who hate me.

8 It is better to trust in Jehovah

Than trust in man.

9 It is better to trust in Jehovah

Than to trust princes.

10 All nations surrounded me;

But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them.

11 They surrounded me and besieged me;

But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them.

12 They surrounded me like bees; They burned like fire from thorns;

But in the name of Jehovah I will destroy them.

13 You pushed me with violence so that I fell,

But Jehovah helped me.’
14 My strength and my song is Jehovah,
And he has been my salvation.

15 There is a voice of joy and salvation in the tents of the righteous;

The right hand of Jehovah does mighty things.

16 The right hand of Jehovah is sublime;

The right hand of Jehovah does mighty things.

17 I will not die, but I will live, And I will tell the works of Jehovah.

18 Jehovah punished me severely,

But he did not hand me over to death.

19 Open to me the doors of justice;

I will enter through them, I will praise Jehovah.

20 This is the gate of Jehovah;

Through it the righteous will enter.
21 I will praise you because you have heard me,

And you left me for salvation.

22 The stone that the builders rejected

He has become head of the angle.

23 This is from Jehovah,

And it is a wonderful thing in our eyes.
I have only mentioned a few of the Roman frauds in the Bible, the righteous may be able to find many other biblical lies from Rome that I have not mentioned.

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I don’t believe that circumcision was ever part of God’s commandments, even though Genesis 17 says so, because I found serious contradictions throughout the Bible. I believe the Romans falsified the religion they hated. The preachers of the Bible were unjust, like those who came with the Spanish conquerors to America, who claimed to act in the name of God but committed many injustices with the Bible in hand. Proverbs 29:27 says that the righteous hate evil; if Jesus was righteous, then he hated evil. Love for enemies also does not fit with Psalm 58:10. In Exodus 21 and Numbers 35, God orders the death penalty for murderers who kill in anger and with intent, but in Genesis 4, God protects the murderer Cain, even though he killed Abel in this way, saying that whoever kills him will be punished seven times. 1 Kings 18:28 says this about the priests of the idols: «They shouted at the top of their voices and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed.» Circumcision is the amputation of part of the foreskin; the foreskin is a soft layer of skin that surrounds the penis with the intention of protecting and covering the glans. If the foreskin were useless, men would be born without it. Leviticus 19:28 says this: «Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.» The opposite was practiced by the prophets of Baal, the enemies of Jehovah, the God of the righteous whom the Roman Empire persecuted and killed.

«With a few clicks, I turn the slanderous dinosaur to dust, because the truth is older than the Bible, older than the ancient serpent, older than the dragon.»

“Judas Iscariot, the tale”: The Roman betrayers are the traitors against mankind faith! The Romans are the Judas Iscariot, who never has existed, read this report “Judas Iscariot the Tale”
Who defeated Satan according to Revelation 12:11? It seems contradictory, but they are not the Christians.

The Romans persecuted a religion, the religion of Jesus. What they stopped persecuting after several centuries and began to defend was not Jesus’ religion, it was their religion: Christianity, in which there are some elements of Jesus’ religion, but most of which are not his doctrine.

Judas Iscariot the traitor did not exist, that is a Roman lie like many other Roman lies in the Bible.

Psalms 41: 4-13 Tells us that the betrayed man did sin, but that Jehovah makes him rise to take revenge on his enemies.
But 1 Peter 2:22-23 tells us that the betrayed man never sinned that he never took revenge on his enemies.
Read this, they have tried to associate with the life of Jesus, a prophecy for the time of the end that was not fulfilled in him, when he came to die on the cross:
John 13:18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know who I have chosen. But the Scripture must be fulfilled:
“He who eats bread with me lifted up his foot against me.”
Look at this other inconsistent statement:
John 6:64 But there are some of you who do not believe
Because Jesus knew from the beginning who those who did not believe were, and who would betray him…
1 Peter 2:22 Christ never sinned…


Psalms 41:4 I said, Jehovah, have mercy on me; Heal me, for I have sinned against you.
Psalms 41:7 All those who hate me murmur against me together; They think evil against me, saying of me:
8 A pestilential thing has taken hold of him;
And he who fell to bed will never get up again.
Psalms 41:9 Even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.
10 But you, Jehovah, have mercy on me, and raise me up and I will have revenge on them.
11 By this I will know that I have pleased you,
May my enemy not prevail against me.
12 As for me, you have sustained me in my integrity,
And you have made me stand before you forever.
13 Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel,
Forever and ever.
Amen and amen.
Can someone explain to me how it is possible for someone to trust someone who they know from the beginning is a traitor?
The prophecy that the Romans, in their invented history, refer to in Psalms 41 says that the betrayed trusted the traitor, but according to this story invented by the Romans about the betrayal of one Judas Iscariot against Jesus, Jesus the betrayed , he already knew from the beginning that Judas Iscariot was the traitor. That does not fit with the prophecy, because Psalms 41:7-13 is a prophecy for the time of his return, because the betrayed man manages to get up and thanks Jehovah for that, he gets up like Michael gets up in the time of the end, It is a prophecy for the end time, as are Psalms 112, Psalms 91, Daniel 12, Psalms 110, Psalms 118, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 42, etc.
The little horn, the Vatican, what remains of the Roman Empire, repeats the blasphemies of the Roman Empire against Jehovah in its attempt to change the laws and prophecies by adulterating the messages that the saints of the Most High said, but when the saints reincarnate, they They deny their enemies. They are reincarnated after 2000 years of the blood of the holy covenant on the cross (Hosea 6:1-3), in the age of the Internet, a means by which they make judgment (Isaiah 42:1-18, Isaiah 65) , since they have the power to judge because they were faithful to Jehovah and did not worship the pagans, nor to their idols, nor did they eat swine’s flesh (1 Kings 19:18, Ezekiel 23:45, Malachi 3:18, 2 Maccabees 7:7-9). If you find contradictions in the old testament of the Bible, blame it on the Romans too.
The prayer of the righteous, for forgiveness of his own sins committed due to his past ignorance.
Psalms 41: I said, “Have mercy on me, Jehovah; heal me, for I have sinned against you.”
(In my youth I prayed to catholic images, I used to say that the Bible has only the truth,
I ate pork meat, but I did those sins while I was ignorant of the truth).
Little by little I learned, when I learned what idolatry was and stopped praying to images, my relatives treated me with treason for my warning them of the sin behind praying to catholic images, they slandered me and kidnapped me because of it.
Psalms 41:9 Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread,
has turned against me.
Psalms 109:1 Jehovah, whom I praise,
do not remain silent, 2 for people who are wicked and deceitful
have opened their mouths against me;
they have spoken against me with lying tongues.
3 With words of hatred they surround me; they attack me without cause.
4 In return for my friendship they slander me, 5 They repay me evil for good,
and hatred for my friendship.

Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now has come salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of Christ from him; for he has been cast out as the accuser of our brothers, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they despised their lives unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the land and the sea! for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.
«They have defeated Zeus, by the blood of the holy covenant, because they despised their lives until death» – This comment I made on a video with the title: “Man dressed as Jesus”, will give clues to understand:
Clarify, man dressed as Zeus, that pagan god of those who ate pork, by whom the Romans Hellenized the gospel, that is why the Bible in Matthew 15: 11 contradicts Isaiah 66: 17, among other contradictions… They, the who refused to eat pork (2 Maccabees 6:2, 2 Maccabees 7:7-10, Leviticus 11), are those who despised their lives to the point of death in their first life. Does it seem logical to you that they chose to die in instead of eating pork, so that in their second life they eat pork because of what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4: 1-6 and Matthew 15: 11?… they are the ones who have been reincarnated in the third millennium (Hosea 6:2, Daniel 12:2-3), and live in heaven (at the right hand of God, Psalms 118:7-25, Matthew 21:38-42). Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now has come salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of Christ from him; for he has been cast out as the accuser of our brothers, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they despised their lives unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the land and the sea! for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time.
The blood of the Lamb was never for the forgiveness of wicked people because:
Proverbs 17:15 He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to Jehovah. As Psalms 41 and Psalms 118:17-20 shows, the blood of the Lamb was for the forgiveness of sins of the righteous, who at their second life are not educated in the true religion and do sins because of their ignorance.
Daniel 7:21 And I saw this horn making war against the saints, and prevailing against them.
Revelation 13:7 And he was permitted to make war against the saints and defeat them. It was also given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
Daniel 7:22 until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came, and the saints received the kingdom. Revelation 7:3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” 4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. The reincarnated righteous people of Daniel the jew prophet are those 144,000, because only the righteous people can serve a righteous God such as Jehovah.
Malachi 3:18 Then you will return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serve God and him that does not serve him.
Ancient of days, is an allusion to the wisdom of light, of truth.
Solomon prophesied it in these proverbs:
Proverbs 11:9 A hypocrite destroys his neighbor with his mouth, but the righteous are saved by knowledge. 10 With the good of the righteous the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there are festivals. The system of false religions led by hypocrites will be completely destroyed. Daniel 7:11 Then I looked because of the sound of the great words that the horn spoke; He watched until the beast was killed, and his body was torn apart and handed over to be burned in the fire.
Daniel 12:1 “Daniel, you must know this, at that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book.
Proverbs 11:8 Righteous people escape from trouble. The trouble happens to wicked people instead.
2 Maccabees 6:18 Eleazar, one of the main teachers of the law, a man of advanced age and noble appearance, was forced to eat pork by opening his mouth. 19 But he, preferring an honorable death to a life without honor, voluntarily went to the place of torture 20 after having spit out the meat. He behaved as those who firmly reject what they are not allowed to eat, even for the love of life, should behave.
Deuteronomy 14:3 You shall eat nothing abominable. ..8 nor a pig, because it has a cloven hoof, but it does not chew the cud; it will be unclean to you. You shall not eat their flesh, nor touch their dead bodies.
2 Maccabees 7:9 But he, breathing his last, said, “You criminal, you take away our present life.” But the King of the world will resurrect us who died by his laws to eternal life. (They are now «in heaven», he reads on, if you are one of them, you will understand).
All conditions are given!
 – Two “days” have passed since the death of Jesus (2 millennia have passed):
Psalms 22:15-18, Hosea 6:1-2. Psalms 90:4.
 – The technology to judge in distant places without raising your voice in streets or squares already exists,
the internet exists (Isaiah 42:1-18,
Psalms 110:1-7, Isaiah 11:1-4)
 – There is at least one man who does what no one has ever done: defend the justice of the eye for an eye law by denouncing
Roman lies in the Bible that oppose that law (Daniel 25:8, Daniel 7:25-27, Deuteronomy 19:18-21).
Then it is the time of the fulfillment of many pending prophecies, among which are those contained in:
Psalms 91:7-16, Isaiah 6:10-13, Psalms 58:10-11, Psalms 118:5-25, Daniel 12:1-13, Micah 7:9-13, Psalms 41:4-13).
Isaiah 42:12 Give glory to Jehovah and declare his praises the coasts. Revelation 14:7 Fear God and give glory to him, because the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made the sky and the earth, the sea and the sources of water.
Isaiah 42:4 He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands shall wait for his law.”
Exodus 21:16 «Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.

Revelation 13:9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.

10 “If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity they will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.” This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

The cross and the holy covenant.

The false Judaism denies this holy covenant:

The Prophecies that are being fulfilled.

Luke 20:14 But when the husbandmen saw him, they argued among themselves, saying, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours. (Roman aim: To kill to steal, they did know what they were doing: to kill innocents to rob them, to usurp them with false saints, false message and false gods)

Psalms 22:5 They made holes in my hands and feet, [I have lost so much blood that] I can see and count all my bones, They look at me [without compassion for my pain], while [like the thieves they are] they randomly distribute my clothes. (Genesis 3:13-15, Proverbs 29:27)

Isaiah 53:12 Because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors (of his people the righteous, but not for the wicked, but for the righteous who sinned because of the false prophets lies!!).

Father Jehovah, forgive sins of righteous people who sinned in situations like those of José Galindo, because when José Galindo worshiped Catholic idols and when he preached in favor of the Bible, he did not know what he was doing because the successors of my murderers had deceived him. Matthew 25:33 And he will set the sheep at his right hand…, John 14:3 Where I will be you will be also… Psalms 110:1 Jehovah said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. Job 3:25 let his flesh become fresh with youth;     let him return to the days of his youthful strength ; Malachi 4:3 You will tread down the wicked, and they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, in the day that I act, saith the Jehovah of hosts. But Father Jehovah, do not forgive those Roman thieves because they did know what they were doing: that they killed a righteous man to steal what is his from him and to defame him with slander. Matthew 25:41 Then he will also say to those on the left: Depart from me, you cursed, into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels [This means: The slanderer and his unjust messengers]. Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go out, and see the corpses of the men who have rebelled against me; for their worm will never die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be abominable to all men.

Luke 20:15 And they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What then will the lord of the vineyard do to them? 16 he will come and destroy these tenants, and give his vineyard to others. When they heard this, they said: God save us! 17 But Jesus, looking at them, said: What, then, is what is written: The stone that the builders rejected Has become the head of the corner?.

Basic Logic – Jesus and the saints they all had used their hair short!

Isaiah 53:12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong (when he reincarnates after 2000 years from his death to make judgment sat in «the cloud» by using internet technology (Hosea 6, Isaiah 42)).

The true chosen people, the Israel for whom Michael is (Daniel 12:1), referred also as Jerusalem or Sion is not a land, but it is they, and they are the righteous people only: Psalms 118:2 Let Israel say:  “His love endures forever.” Psalms 118:7 Jehovah is with me among those who help me; That is why the evil I wish for those who hate me will be fulfilled. Psalms 2:7 I will proclaim the decree of Jehovah, he said to me (He made me understand it), “You are my son; today I have begotten you (In this 3rd millennium, Hosea 6:2, Psalms 90:4). Psalms 118:10 All the wicked surround me; But in the name of Jehovah [justice] I will destroy them. Psalms 16:10 For you will not let me fall into death, you will not allow the flesh of your faithful servant to rot 11 You reveal to me the way of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalms 118:17 I will not die but live,  and will proclaim what Jehovah has done. 18 Jehovah has chastened me severely,  but he has not given me over to death. 19 Open for me the gates of the righteous;  I will enter and give thanks to Jehovah. 20 This is the gate of Jehovah; Through it the righteous will enter. 21 Jehovah, I will worship you only because you have heard me and have been my savior. 22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 23 This is from Jehovah, and it is a marvelous thing in our eyes. Psalms 110 Jehovah said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. 2 Jehovah will send from Jerusalem the rod of your power [the true faith]. Psalms 58:10 The righteous will rejoice when he sees vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the unjust.

Psalms 16:10 For you will not let me fall into death, you will not allow the flesh of your faithful servant to rot 11 You reveal to me the way of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Everything that has to do with animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins committed by righteous people is replaced with faith in prophecies, no more holocausts with animals (Exodus 25, Numbers 7, Psalms 40), to unrighteous people They should never be forgiven, they are part of the holocaust of the new covenant denied by the Roman empire (Numbers 25:33, Deuteronomy 23:6, Isaiah 57:21, Psalms 118:26) Psalms 118:26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of Jehovah; From the house of Jehovah we bless you. 27 Jehovah is God, and he has given us light; Attach victims with ropes to the horns of the altar. Numbers 35:33 Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except for the blood of the one who shed it. And now I choose with tweezers some truths in the book of Enoch, since there are contradictory messages also in it, because the Roman fraud is also included in the false forbidden books such as the gospel of Philip, the gospel of Thomas, etc. Book of Enoch 10:11 And the Lord [Jehovah] said to Michael: Go and announce to Shemihaza and to all his companions who joined themselves with women and defiled themselves with them in their impurity, 12 that their children will perish and they will see the destruction of their dears! (The definitive destruction of all the unjust was decreed (Isaiah 6:1-13)), those who will survive will be the righteous. Michael is protected by Jehovah to see this happen: Psalms 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side,  ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only observe with your eyes     and see the punishment of the wicked. Book of Enoch 10:21 «And all the sons of men [who will survive] will be the righteous, and [they], in all nations will worship me, turn to me in prayer, and praise me. 22 «And the earth will be cleansed from all corruption, from all sin, from all punishment, and from all pain, and I will send no more plagues on the earth, to generations of generations, nor to all eternity (Without unjust the earth It will not be cursed, note the focus, only the righteous are capable of leaving idolatry, of stopping praying to creatures, obeying the just commandments of Jehovah with joy). Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain before me, says the Lord, so will your seed and your name remain. 23 And from month to month, and from Sabbath day to Sabbath day, all shall come to worship [Jehovah alone] before me, saith Jehovah. 24 And they will go out, and see the corpses of the men who rebelled against me; for their worm will never die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be abominable to all men.

The saints are to judge the world. They received the power to judge because they had been faithful to God until death in their previous life. Who defeated Satan according to Revelation 12:11? It seems contradictory, but they are not Christians, Christianity was created by the Romans, only a mind friendly to celibacy, typical of Greek and Roman leaders, enemies of the Jews of ancient times, could conceive a message like the one that says: » These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They followed the Lamb wherever he went. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb» in Revelation 14:4, or a message like. this one which is similar: «For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven,» in Matthew 22:30, both messages sound like they came from a Roman Catholic priest, and not from a prophet of God who seeks this blessing for himself: He who finds a wife finds good, and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22), Leviticus 21:14 Widow, or divorced, or vile woman, or harlot , these he will not take, but will take as his wife a virgin of his own people.


Unlike Jehovah’s true priests, false prophets are not interested in marrying virgin women.

Leviticus 21:13 He will take a virgin woman as his wife.

They do not seek Jehovah’s blessing.

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from Jehovah.

If they do not seek the blessing of Jehovah, they seek the curse of Jehovah. Proverbs 3:33 The curse of Jehovah is on the house of the wicked, but he will bless the dwelling of the righteous. Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out Babylon, my people, that you may not share in her sins and that you may not receive her plagues;



Isaiah 10:15 Shall the axe boast over him who hews with it,
or the saw magnify itself against him who wields it?
As if a rod should wield him who lifts it,
or as if a staff should lift him who is not wood!

Psalms 2:2-4 The kings of the earth stood up, and the princes met together, against Jehovah and against his Christ.

“Let us break apart their divine bands of restraint and cast away their cords of control from us.”

The one enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord ridicules them.

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:

El Anticristo llegó: El Diablo se hace pasar por Cristo, te enseño como identificarlo. Que no engañe

Babilonia cae en ruina por adorar imágenes de Zeus, Cupido, y otros dioses paganos de cabello largo.

 ¿Está la humanidad preparada para conocer la verdad sobre su origen y su final?

 Que no te tomen de tonto, entérate de las mentiras de la Biblia: ¿Por qué la Biblia tiene mentiras?!

A multilingual solution for a worldwide fraud – Una solucion multilingue para un fraude mundialDownload

PDF format – A multilingual solution for a worldwide fraud – Una solucion multilingue para un fraude mundialDownload

Who defeated Satan according to Revelation 12:11? It seems contradictory, but they are not the Christians.
The Romans persecuted a religion, the religion of Jesus. What they stopped persecuting after several centuries and began to defend was not Jesus’ religion, it was their religion: Christianity, in which there are some elements of Jesus’ religion, but most of which are not his doctrine.

Judas Iscariot the traitor did not exist, that is a Roman lie like many other Roman lies in the Bible.

Psalms 41: 4-13 Tells us that the betrayed man did sin, but that Jehovah makes him rise to take revenge on his enemies.
But 1 Peter 2:22-23 tells us that the betrayed man never sinned that he never took revenge on his enemies.
Read this, they have tried to associate with the life of Jesus, a prophecy for the time of the end that was not fulfilled in him, when he came to die on the cross:
John 13:18 I am not speaking of all of you; I know who I have chosen. But the Scripture must be fulfilled:
“He who eats bread with me lifted up his foot against me.”
Look at this other inconsistent statement:
John 6:64 But there are some of you who do not believe
Because Jesus knew from the beginning who those who did not believe were, and who would betray him…
1 Peter 2:22 Christ never sinned…


Psalms 41:4 I said, Jehovah, have mercy on me; Heal me, for I have sinned against you.
Psalms 41:7 All those who hate me murmur against me together; They think evil against me, saying of me:
8 A pestilential thing has taken hold of him;
And he who fell to bed will never get up again.
Psalms 41:9 Even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.
10 But you, Jehovah, have mercy on me, and raise me up and I will have revenge on them.
11 By this I will know that I have pleased you,
May my enemy not prevail against me.
12 As for me, you have sustained me in my integrity,
And you have made me stand before you forever.
13 Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel,
Forever and ever.
Amen and amen.
Can someone explain to me how it is possible for someone to trust someone who they know from the beginning is a traitor?
The prophecy that the Romans, in their invented history, refer to in Psalms 41 says that the betrayed trusted the traitor, but according to this story invented by the Romans about the betrayal of one Judas Iscariot against Jesus, Jesus the betrayed , he already knew from the beginning that Judas Iscariot was the traitor. That does not fit with the prophecy, because Psalms 41:7-13 is a prophecy for the time of his return, because the betrayed man manages to get up and thanks Jehovah for that, he gets up like Michael gets up in the time of the end, It is a prophecy for the end time, as are Psalms 112, Psalms 91, Daniel 12, Psalms 110, Psalms 118, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 42, etc.
The little horn, the Vatican, what remains of the Roman Empire, repeats the blasphemies of the Roman Empire against Jehovah in its attempt to change the laws and prophecies by adulterating the messages that the saints of the Most High said, but when the saints reincarnate, they They deny their enemies. They are reincarnated after 2000 years of the blood of the holy covenant on the cross (Hosea 6:1-3), in the age of the Internet, a means by which they make judgment (Isaiah 42:1-18, Isaiah 65) , since they have the power to judge because they were faithful to Jehovah and did not worship the pagans, nor to their idols, nor did they eat swine’s flesh (1 Kings 19:18, Ezekiel 23:45, Malachi 3:18, 2 Maccabees 7:7-9). If you find contradictions in the old testament of the Bible, blame it on the Romans too.

The saints are to judge the world. They received the power to judge for having been faithful to God until death in their previous life. Who defeated Satan according to Revelation 12:11? It seems contradictory, but they are not Christians, Christianity was created by the Romans, only a mind friendly to celibacy, typical of Greek and Roman leaders, enemies of the Jews of ancient times, could conceive a message like the one that says: « For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven,» that message in Matthew 22:30 seems to come from a Roman Catholic priest, and not from a prophet of God who seeks this blessing for himself: He who finds a wife finds good, and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22), Leviticus 21:14 Widow, or divorced woman, or vile woman, or harlot, these he will not take, but he will take as a wife a virgin from his own people.

The Romans persecuted a religion, the religion of Jesus. What they stopped persecuting after several centuries and began to defend was not the religion of Jesus, it was their religion: Christianity, in which there are some elements of the religion of Jesus, but most of which are not his doctrine.

The murderers do not want to be punished, that is why they falsify testimonies, hide evidence or destroy it, conspire against the trial, something like this explains the contradictions in the Bible: 2:34 Pay attention to this detail in 2 Corinthians 6:17: It says «No touch unclean things», that was a clue that the law in Deuteronomy 14 regarding prohibited foods was never abolished, contrary to what Matthew 15: 11 and 1 Timothy 4:1-6 say! Why then are there contradictions in the Bible? Because the Romans have falsified the gospel!
2 Maccabees 6:18 Eleazar, one of the main teachers of the law, a man of advanced age and noble appearance, was forced to eat pork by opening his mouth. 19 But he, preferring an honorable death to a life without honor, voluntarily went to the place of torture 20 after having spit out the meat. He behaved as those who firmly reject what they are not allowed to eat, even for the love of life, should behave.

Deuteronomy 14:3 You shall eat nothing abominable. ..8 nor a pig, because it has a cloven hoof, but it does not chew the cud; it will be unclean to you. You shall not eat their flesh, nor touch their dead bodies.
2 Maccabees 7:9 But he, breathing his last, said, “You criminal, you take away our present life.” But the King of the world will resurrect us who died by his laws to eternal life. (They are now «in heaven», he reads on, if you are one of them, you will understand). Download this document with amazing but coherent content: The Reincarnation of the Saints, so that the false prophets, who criticize this extraordinary report, can stick their tongues in their assholes

«They have defeated Zeus, by the blood of the holy covenant, because they despised their lives until death» – This comment I made will give clues to understand.


5 minutes ago (edited) Clarify, man dressed as Zeus, that pagan god of those who ate pork, by whom the Romans Hellenized the gospel, that is why the Bible in Matthew 15: 11 contradicts Isaiah 66: 17, among other contradictions… They, the who refused to eat pork (2 Maccabees 6:2, 2 Maccabees 7:7-10, Leviticus 11), are those who despised their lives to the point of death in their first life. Does it seem logical to you that they chose to die in instead of eating pork, so that in their second life they eat pork because of what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4: 1-6 and Matthew 15: 11?… they are the ones who have been reincarnated in the third millennium (Hosea 6:2, Daniel 12:2-3), and live in heaven (at the right hand of God, Psalms 118:7-25, Matthew 21:38-42).

Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now has come salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of Christ from him; for he has been cast out as the accuser of our brothers, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they despised their lives unto death.

12 Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them.

Woe to the inhabitants of the land and the sea! for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time. For the inhabitants of the land and the sea, «golden days are passing over».

Revelation 19:6 And I heard, as it were, voices of a great multitude, thousands and thousands of voices…

If Jesus had short hair, then, Who’s at the cross?

Los santos han de juzgar el mundo, Recibieron facultad para juzgar por haber sido fieles a Dios hasta la muerte en su vida anterior. ¿Quién derrotó a Satanás según Apocalipsis 12:11? Parece contradictorio, pero no son los cristianos, el cristianismo fue creado por los romanos, solo una mente amigable con el celibato, típico de líderes griegos y romanos, enemigos de los judíos de la antiguedad, podría concebir un mensaje como aquel que dice: «Porque en la resurrección, ni se casan ni son dados en matrimonio, sino que son como los ángeles de Dios en el cielo», ese mensaje en Mateo 22:30 parece salido de un sacerdote romano católico, y no de un profeta de Dios que busca esta bendición para sí mismo: El que halla esposa halla el bien, y alcanza el favor de Jehová (Proverbios 18:22), Levítico 21:14 Viuda, o repudiada, o mujer infame o ramera, estas no tomará, sino que tomará por esposa a una virgen de su propio pueblo.

La oracion del justo por el perdon de sus pecados – la penitencia del justoDescarga

Jesus no nacio de una mujer virgen – Yo respeto a Dios pero los romanos no porque han mentido con el cuentoDescarga

Registro de mis batallas en el ciberespacio.

«Si determinada religión fue defendida por el imperio romano, esa religión no es digna de confianza.»

Dicen las lenguas viperinas que estoy loco, pero se trata de calumnias de quienes me envidian, mi amada Luz Victoria, yo no estoy loco por ti, yo estoy cuerdo por ti.

The people of the book seek God’s blessing. Proverbs 18:22 Whoever finds a good wife finds blessing.

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La Biblia se contradice.

La Biblia se contradice, te lo demuestro yo, uno que no es ateo, un henoteísta que solo adora a Yahvé, el Dios de los justos, el Dios que destruyó Sodoma y Gomorra porque es justo y no amaba a todos, no lo hizo, ni lo hará jamás porque sus elegidos fueron toda la vida solamente los justos. La Biblia contradice la Biblia porque los romanos han falsificado muchas palabras sagradas al crear la Biblia con lo robado de los judíos que persiguió. Esto es como un filtro, si te gusta la justicia, te gustará la muestra y leerás más, si no te gusta la justicia, no te gustará la muestra y te alejarás. Estos son los que vienen de la gran tribulación… Estos son los justos que son librados de la gran tribulación… Proverbios 11:9 El hipócrita daña con lisonjas; Pero los justos son librados con el conocimiento de la verdad. Juan 8:32 y conoceréis la verdad, y por conocer la verdad serán libres. Estos son los justos que son librados de la gran tribulación… Mientras que los injustos van a la gran tribulación… Daniel 12:1 En aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está de parte de los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fue desde que hubo gente hasta entonces; pero en aquel tiempo será libertado tu pueblo, todos los que se hallen escritos en el libro. Proverbios 11:8 El justo es librado de la tribulación; el impío entra en lugar suyo. Jehová el Dios de los justos, también es justo, por eso el final de la historia es un final justo, en el cual el bien vence al mal para siempre. La religión del justo es la justicia, pero ofrecer la otra mejilla y decirle no al ojo por ojo, no es justicia, es parte de la falsificación que los injustos romanos hicieron contra la religión de los justos. Para Dios nada es imposible y logra todo lo que quiere, si quisiera que todos se salven eso significaría que Dios amase a todos, pero no es así porque solo los que entienden son los que se salvan. Daniel 12:3 Los entendidos resplandecerán como el resplandor del firmamento; y los que enseñan la justicia a la multitud, como las estrellas a perpetua eternidad. Te demostré que Dios no ama a todos, por lo tanto el amor a los enemigos nunca fue enseñanza de su mensajero fiel, fue calumnia de los romanos perseguidores. Lucas 1:37 Para Dios no hay nada imposible. Isaías 43:13 Aun antes que hubiera día, yo era; y no hay quien de mi mano escape; si yo hiciere, ¿quién lo estorbará?. Isaías 6:9 Y dijo: Anda, y di a este pueblo: Oíd bien, y no entendáis; ved por cierto, mas no comprendáis. 10 Engruesa el corazón de este pueblo, y agrava sus oídos, y ciega sus ojos, para que no vea con sus ojos, ni oiga con sus oídos, ni su corazón entienda, ni se convierta, y haya para él salvación.

Recibieron facultad para juzgar por haber sido fieles a Dios hasta la muerte en su vida anterior

La inteligencia artificial y la religión: La IA vs La inteligencia humana de los justos – parte I

La inteligencia artificial y la religión: La IA vs La inteligencia humana de los justos – parte 2

La IA no es inteligente de verdad, es falsa inteligencia, pero mi inteligencia es IV, inteligencia verdadera.

Procuro que los justos ignorantes que todavía creen que la Biblia no contiene falsedades, al buscar determinados pasajes de la Biblia en los buscadores de Internet, en lugar de encontrar páginas de la Biblia, encuentren estos razonamientos, por eso las etiquetas en muchos de mis publicaciones contienen lo que contienen, espero ganar mejor posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda, si hay alguno capaz de hacer algo semejante, que lo haga:

Hombre sale de la matrix satánica de control, un programador decifra el código de la matrix y sale..

Las fuerzas del cielo rescatan a su pueblo de la tierra. Las fuerzas celestiales de Yahvé.

«No es lo mismo guardar la basura que barres bajo la alfombra, que QUEMAR esa basura». «Y entonces se manifestará aquel inicuo, a quien el Señor MATARÁ con el espíritu de su boca, y destruirá con el resplandor de su venida.»

«No es lo mismo guardar la basura que barres bajo la alfombra, que QUEMAR esa basura». «Y entonces se manifestará aquel inicuo, a quien el Señor MATARÁ con el espíritu de su boca, y destruirá con el resplandor de su venida.»

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Jesús no es Dios, Dios es eternamente inmortal, pero Jesús murió en la cruz y Dios no lo resucitó.

Y además del documento arriba, en algunos recuadros de la pirámide de sumas abajo, al píe de la publicación, hallarás enlaces a otros documentos de descarga gratuita, todos los documentos son gratis, yo no vendo ninguna publicación, ni documento alguno, ni video alguno, ni pido donaciones a nadie.

Esta investigación no la hice para la venta, la hice para la justicia.

Apocalipsis 12 Ay de los que no moran el el cielo, porque el Diablo se va a desquitar con ustedes.

No te dejes engañar por nadie, Dios está con los justos, solo los justos son sus escogidos sin importar dónde hayan nacido o dónde ellos esten.

Salmos 14:5 Ellos temblaron de espanto; Porque Dios está con la generación de los justos.

Por eso Jesús no murió para librar a los malvados del merecido castigo destructor contra los malvados que Dios ha predestinado, Jesús murió a favor del perdón sus propios pecados que al reencarnar el haría como ignorante porque él sabía que él nacería en un tiempo en que su religión ya no sería predicada, sí, la religión de los fieles judíos y del propio Jesús ya no se predica, y lo que yo muestro en mis páginas web, sería una aproximación a su religión perseguida y aborrecida por «las naciones» ajenas a la justicia.
Los romanos dejaron huella de bestia en las escrituras, por eso ten cuidado con los falsos mandamientos de Dios en la Biblia. Los verdaderos mandamientos de Dios son los justos, y no representan una carga para mí, por eso yo no me inclino ante imágenes para darle honores: El Papa Francisco Bergoglio y sus cómplices lo hacen, pero yo no, yo soy distinto a ellos.
Palabras de Gabriel a Jehová en el tiempo del juicio final: «Jehová, ignora las peticiones de Shemihaza a favor de su gente, si los malos no pueden amar la justicia, y mi campaña lo ha demostrado así, ¿Para qué perdonar a los malos de sus pecados?, no tiene sentido perdonar a gente reincidente!.»
Mi autopercepción: En base a lo que hago, y a mis investigaciones y argumentos para defender la reencarnación de los justos en el 3er milenio, yo pienso de mi mismo que soy algún antiguo judío leal a Jehová que ha reencarnado y que busca ayudar al resto de su pueblo reencarnado y disperso en el mundo, y no podré jamás saber quién de todos ellos soy.
No creo que la circuncisión haya sido mandamiento de Dios, el enemigo deja el campo minado por dónde sabe que va a buscar su enemigo la victoria sobre él, ¿Crees que los romanos solamente han falsificado las palabras de Dios para el nuevo testamento de la Biblia, pero no las han falsificado para el antiguo testamento de la Biblia?, Defender el antiguo testamento para refutar el nuevo testamento Bíblico también es un error, las falsedades romanas estan en todas partes… No entenderán la sabiduria que les demuestra la existencia de calumnias romanas en la Biblia. El significado de: Mateo 7:6 No deis lo santo a los perros, ni echéis vuestras perlas delante de los cerdos, no sea que las pisoteen, y se vuelvan y os despedacen. Es: «No hables de cosas inteligentes a un público imbécil, no hables de justicia a un pueblo injusto.»
Apocalipsis 12 Ay de los que no moran el el cielo, porque el Diablo se va a desquitar con ustedes. 

Wat is de waarde van M in deze reeks?            
          4257 M          
        2184 2073 2323        
      1145 1039 1034 1289      
    554 591 448 586 703    
  395 159 432 16 570 133  
  De waarde van M is 4396   0.44695   72600 19360 0 605 37237

1 Los razonamientos de los clons: «Si nuestro pastor lo dice, entonces es así», tanta elaboración de pensamientos me deslumbra!. 2 Sandra, ayer te vi, tú fuiste artífice de mi caída, el mundo da vueltas porque está loco, pero Jehová siempre se mantiene firme porque es cuerdo, y ese el dios que defiende mi causa y me mantiene firme aunque el mundo gire locamente o tambalee como un borracho. 3 2 Tesalonicenses 2:3 Nadie os engañe en ninguna manera; porque no vendrá sin que antes venga la apostasía, y se manifieste el hombre de pecado, el hijo de perdición, 4 el cual se opone y se levanta contra todo lo que se llama adoración exclusiva a Dios, y es defensor de los objetos de culto (idolatría); tanta es su rebelión que se sienta en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose pasar por Dios y reclamando la adoración para si mismo a pesar de que es un ser creado, tanta es la rebelión que falsificó muchas de las palabras de los santos y las hizo pasar como palabra de Dios. Pero aquel astuto inicuo no es el más inteligente de las criaturas de Dios: Daniel 8:25 Con su sagacidad hará prosperar el engaño en su mano; y en su corazón se engrandecerá, y sin aviso destruirá a muchos; y se levantará contra el Príncipe de los príncipes, pero será quebrantado, aunque no por mano humana. 4 ¿Qué, pues, es lo que está escrito: La piedra que desecharon los edificadores ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo? 5 No soy de mayoría o la mayoría no me apoya, pero Yahvé defiende mi causa, Yahvé me apoya. 6 ¿Qué significa «tiempos, tiempo y medio tiempo»?, significa tiempo de penitencia, por eso «los dos testigos» se visten con ropas asperas 7 Princesa déjame contarte con detalles la gloriosa victoria de los gloriosos, valga la redundancia, contra las fuerzas usurpadoras de Satanás y sus ángeles. 8 Las águilas matan y devoran a los dragones, todos los reptiles lo lamentan. 9 ¿Cómo se desarrolla la guerra en el cielo entre Miguel y sus ángeles contra el Dragón y sus ángeles?, para empezar debes saber que Satanás sí existe porque su nombre significa el calumniador. Si hay calumniadores hay satanás. Apocalipsis 12:7 Después hubo una gran batalla en el cielo: Miguel y sus ángeles luchaban contra el dragón; y luchaban el dragón y sus ángeles 10 Las profecías de Salomón Proverbios 3:33 La maldición del SEÑOR está sobre la casa del impío, pero El bendice la morada del justo. 34 Ciertamente El se burla de los burladores, pero da gracia a los afligidos. 35 El sabio heredará honra, pero los necios hacen resaltar su deshonra. 11 Lista de publicaciones en, ,, y otros de mis blogs: Defender la Biblia es defender la obra del Diablo, yo he venido para deshacer las obras del Diablo. 12 Apocalipsis 14:11 y el humo de su tormento sube por los siglos de los siglos. Y no tienen reposo de día ni de noche los que adoran a la bestia y a su imagen, ni nadie que reciba la marca de su nombre. 13 Provando que Jesus não nasceu de uma mulher virgem e que mentiram para nós com a Bíblia. O Império Romano nunca se converteu à religião de Jesus. 14 Anita, per ogni evenienza, io sono Gabriele. 15 Deuteronomio 28:58 Si no cuidares de poner por obra todas las palabras de esta ley que están escritas en este libro, temiendo este nombre glorioso y temible: JEHOVÁ TU DIOS. 16 El perdón de Dios es una caricia para los justos y un látigo para los injustos. Proverbios 11:8 El justo es librado de la tribulación; Mas el impío entra en lugar suyo. 17 Es imperdonable: La usurpación por parte de Satanás y de sus ángeles son un insulto mucho peor que una mentada de madre para los legítimos santos del Altísimo 18 Si Dios es amor y Dios ama a todos y el amor de Dios es eterno, ¿Por qué al final los malos crujirán sus dientes y llorarán mientras que los justos se alegrarán?. 19 «उहाँ यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ, उहाँ बौरी उठ्नुभएको छैन, रोमीहरूले लाखौं मानिसहरूको विश्वासको खिल्ली उडाए, र म तिनीहरूको खिल्ली उडाउँछु» मत्ती २८:६, भजन २:४. 20 La persecución religiosa en el mundo occidental: Clínica Pinel – Este es el lugar donde me tuvieron secuestrado en 1998 y 2001. 21